Out Door Learning Centres

Out Door Learning Centres
Initiation of Out Door Learning Centres: As the scare of Corona virus is more, and number of corona cases are high and due to the lockdown, the schools are closed and the schools have opted for alternative education strategies and how they depend on mobile phones, tabs and laptops with internet connectivity for taking up online classes. This is only possible for people who are well off to pay. So, we understood that the children residing in the slums mainly waste pickers, fisher folk children are deprived of education during the lockdown.
So, DBRC has started Out Door Learning Centres in Guntur and Vijayawada in the slums. Totally 24 centres are now running and all these learning centres are running with the support of the local individual sponsors. Totally 650 children are participating in the Out Door Learning Centres. We have decided that we should get the community and individuals involved in the programme and so we have motivated them to support the Out Door Learning Centres. These centres not only encourages them in studying, but also in singing, dancing, drawing, games and cultural activities also. Following social distancing DBRC is successfully implementing this programme. The guardian magazine which is a renowned online magazine in its news has highlighted about the children’s education programme run by DBRC for the children belonging to the most marginalized communities specially the waste pickers, rat catchers, drainage workers and fisherfolk.